Wednesday, July 27, 2011

She thinks she IS Somthin'......LOL

Little LuLu Performing Live
"Stuck Like Glue"

I mean they come any darn cuter?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

God's Always On Time.....

    I'm not really sure where to even start. I've been bad about posting on most of you know my life as a Full Time-Single Mom to 3 kids is pretty crazy to say the least. So, not much time to blog. I'm supposed to be heading out the door right now but I HAD to share this RIGHT NOW! I had a rough morning as I watched "My World" ride off with their Father. Some might think "So, what's the big deal? Why was that rough?" I'm going to be honest on here. I'm not gonna lie or bad mouth anyone, but there is no since in sugar coating it. (And most of you that know me well, know that I am a "Straight Up" and not "Sugarcoatin" kinda girl! ) It was rough for many reasons- The kids have only seen their Father less than a handful of times this year (Not by my choice in any way & I am not gonna speak for him), so I am used to having them ALL the time. That in turn has over time resulted in the kids & myself becoming like the bestest of best friends are...VERY CLOSE & a "TEAM". I had to deal with knowing that the kids were worried about "what if we want you Momma?" or "What if we wanna call you"....etc. I dealt with all of that the best I could and reassured them to where they were comfortable. As a Mom I hate it for my kids that these issues are going on, but I can only do is be the best Mom, Momma, Mommy, & Friend I can be to them & Everyone~ and be a good example to them.
           So today after the left with Him, I was checking my email and opened my Daily Devotional that I get each day via email. All I gotta say is ~Holy Macaroni Pony~ (What do ya'll think) See below

Thanks Heals Hurts

July 9th, 2011 Muriel Larson

Join us every week day for Daily Devotional Chat in women’s chatroom at 10:30am Eastern
Are you tired of living a defeated Christian life? Why not check out this video.
    Carol’s parents were divorced when she was two, and she never knew her father. Although she became a Christian at an early age, she could never see anything good that came out of her having to grow up in a broken home. The hurt had always festered in her heart.
    But now the hurt is healed. God used an experience that happened while she was teaching fifth grade in a rural school.
    Carol had a gifted, artistic boy in her class. Mark loved to do bulletin boards and displays, and Carol developed a special feeling of warmth toward this creative child.
     As the year progressed, however, she noticed that the lad seemed increasingly troubled about something. It bothered her to see him gradually lose his enthusiasm for his creative work.
      One day Mark came to see her after school and said, “I won’t be in school tomorrow. I have to go to my grandmother’s.”
     “Why?” Carol asked him.
      “My parents are going to court to get a divorce,” he answered. Then he started to cry.
Carol put her hand on his arm and said, “Mark, I know how much this hurts you. My parents were divorced when I was not quite two years old, and it has hurt me a lot. I never even knew my father. But you have had yours with you for 11 years, and I’m sure he loves you and will keep in touch with you. Just because your parents are getting divorced doesn’t mean you won’t have a happy life. God has a purpose for your life, Mark. And even though this has happened with your parents, someday you can have a happy marriage, just as I now have.”
      After Mark left, Carol sat there at her desk. Suddenly, she realized she was thankful she could use her experience to comfort Mark in a way she could not otherwise have done. She knew that God could bring good out of this bad experience by giving her the opportunity to help others. She realized that many, like Mark, were suffering from the same emotional hurt as she had. How wonderful it would be if her encouragement, support, and testimony would lift their hearts too!
       That day Carol learned what God’s Word means when it says, “Give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). As she bowed her head and thanked God for the blessing He could bring from this unhappy dimension of her childhood, the resentment and pain she had carried for years began to dissolve and relinquish their hold. Tears ran down her face–but they were tears of joy.
Thank you, Father God, that You redeem our lives. Amen.

  Questions: How does the verse “Give thanks in all circumstances” apply to your life? Do you have difficult experiences that have happened in your life that you need to thank God for?

This couldn't have come at a more perfect time!! Don't ya think?

God's Always On Time..Especially When it comes to Raising These Little Sweeties

...and of course they are CRABBING, what else??

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kids say the Darnest things....

        I don't have time to post too much right now, but I had to share this real quick before I forget. I mean, the main reason for starting this blog was so I wouldn't forget all the "little" things my kids do and say. was a normal, well normal for us (he he), afternoon and and evening followed by the usually bedtime routine then lights out at 8:00pm. I finished the dishes from dinner and was talking to my Aunt Dana on the back porch enjoying the nice weather. Well..I was really on the back porch because we all know how loud and dramatic I am so I didn' t want to keep the kids up. Just as I am thinking everyone is asleep I hear "rat tat tat" at the back door. I turned around and see this little booger justa' smilin at me!

So...Imagine that face and you can see why I wanted to crack up in hysterics. I kept my "Big Momma" face in place and opened the door. Before I can even get a word out she is holding her arm and says "Ohhh mayannn, I'd wasd twyin to sweep but mya awm woaha me out".( That's....Oh man, I was trying to sleep but my arm wore me out).!! Needless to say I just hurried her back to bed, and got back outside where I busted out laughing!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ouwa New Pishie Cwyde !!

     As excited as I was to start blogging and see what Ashley and Allison came up with, I find it harder than I thought to find time to do the actualy "blogging". LOL Anyways, for those of you that don't know "Lucy language", the title says "Our New Fish Clyde". The kids used to have a blue beta fish they names Blueberry. He actually lived for quite some time, but after an accidental OD on Tetra-Min he was found belly up one morning. The kids had been asking for one since, so today we ventured out to the pet store and picked one out! Golly Jeepers!!!! You would have thought we were deciding on what car to buy. Three kids and myself made a simple task of buying a fish last almost an hour!! I am serious..a WHOLE HOUR! Well, that included me having to go look for the kids and finding them looking at the rabbits or other various creepy little rodents. Ughhhhh... not my cup of tea. So, after picking out the perfect fish, and a little accessory (Sandy from Spongebob) we headed to check out. Of course there was a big discussion at the cash register bewtween the kids of wether or not their Chore $ was gonna be enough. The check out lady was in hysterics. Then, while I am trying to finish checking out I hear Lucy very loudly from a good distance away yell "Oh Dea....Oh Dea...Mommmmaaa da cat bite Hunnas pinga off"!! Luckily I was done and ready to leave. BTW, his "pinga" was not bitten off! LOL. So, we head home with the new fish and the great name debate started and went on very loudly from the mall area all the way to our driveway on Whitemarsh!! They settled on 10 names or so, then went down to 5, then to 3, and then asked a few people what they liked out of the top 3 and Clyde was the winner! Which, by the way was the name I threw into their list of ideas. They are so excited and I made sure to remind them not to feed Clyde without help.


         Life as been about the same around here lately. Each week I try and pick something about myself I want to work on and try and really focus on it. It's amazing how when your eyes are open, God will let you see and experience just what you need to. It's not always what you want to experience, but what you need to in order to have the end result you want! It's amazing how my life today is so different than a year ago...even a week ago. For example,  some things that unfolded even just this past week that I have had to deal with..I would have reacted a whole different way a year ago or even sooner. I can't control what others do, say, feel and choices they make., but I can control how I react-don't react therefore being a positive example to my children whom are my TOP PRIORITY!  I am learning that I am a lot stronger than I ever wanted to admit, and one BIG concept I am always trying to work on is just saying "Thank You"...that I can accept and admit to myself that I "might" have done something worthy of being noted.  I want my kids to grow up and know that - We can't always control the waves, but we can learn to surf better.  I could ramble on and on, I  have good days and I have bad days. But definitly have a since of peace now that I haven't felt in awhile.
     I'll leave ya'll with this- On the way home the other night from my Aunt Dana's the windows are down, it's just about sunset or so, and Hunter asked me to play Cowgirls Don't Cry. So we are all jamming out and singing when I hear Hunter talking to Sarah Morgan. You know how kids talk way in the back of the car probably not thinking we are listening?? She asked him what and he said "Momma's a cowgirl-SM asked why, and he said because Momma never crys and she does everything for me, you and LuLu"!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Thank You Ash & Allison...I'm lovin'

      This is gonna be short since it's sooooo late, but I had to post something as I was soooo excited when I got the call that my blog was up!! I was like about to run around screaming... Thank you more than words can say Ashley & Allison for designing it. Ya'll definitely know me!!
      As I was sitting here trying to decide where to even start I hear the pitter patter of little feet coming up behind me, and then "Mommaaaa, I'm thuwsty". It was Lulu! So, as usual it's not just get a sip of water and back in bed, she wants to have a full on conversation. My life...but I still can't figure out where they get the excessive talking and drama from?? Anyways, it's way late for my usually bedtime, but I wanted to jot a little something on here and share my blog that they did AWESOME on. I'm in love with it, love you girls for doing it, and Good Night!!

Testing 123

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